ANNOUNCEMENT: A New Direction for the Just Cause Universe!

The Just Cause Universe worldbook: A Prowlers & Paragons supplement!

We’re excited to tell you that Local Hero Press has partnered with Lakeside Games in order to develop Ian Thomas Healy’s Just Cause Universe as an official supplement for the Prowlers & Paragons roleplaying game system. The book is already done except for the artwork, and we are launching a Kickstarter for that. We are very excited about this new project! Here’s some more information from Just Cause Universe creator Ian Thomas Healy!

Ian Thomas Healy, Adrienne Dellwo, Just Cause Universe, JCU, superhero

This is all Sean Patrick Fannon’s fault.

It’s funny the way things are cyclical. The Just Cause Universe began many years ago as a tabletop roleplaying game setting I developed first for GURPS Supers and later for a never-completed system created by a dearly departed friend. I was still in college when I met Fillip Irwin, who was working in my local comic book shop at the time. He invited me to his gaming group and I figured, why not? I hadn’t done any gaming since high school. It could be fun.

It totally was, of course.

Over the next several years, we became great co-conspirators. I helped him develop his system, and when he didn’t have any interest in adapting it for superhero games I said I would do it. That became the foundation for the Just Cause Universe. Eventually we grew apart due to distance and family obligations, and I reinvented the Just Cause Universe as a book series that is still in publication and expanding to this day.

Fillip passed in 2015, leaving behind a legacy of players and GMs whose lives he touched. I had been part of the Denver area conventions circuit, and that’s where I met Sean Patrick Fannon. He loved the JCU books and kept hounding me to come play. It took awhile for us to finally connect, but I finally did, and it was everything I had missed about gaming with Fillip.

When Sean asked if I would like to develop the JCU into a Prowlers & Paragons worldbook, I jumped at the chance. What better way could I honor my deceased friend than to share the universe I created with like-minded gamers? Perhaps by you reading this, or reading one of the JCU books, will be inspired to create your own universe, and the cycle will begin anew.

Ian Thomas Healy

Fund the Just Cause Universe worldbook Kickstarter here!

Check out this video with more information about the Kickstarter and the project!