
Assassin: A Novel of the Confederation

by Ian Thomas Healy

assassin, star wars, space opera, science fiction, ian thomas healyIn the distant future, in our own galactic backyard…

With the Confederation on the brink of war, the Watchtower organization struggles to maintain peace despite the ongoing threat of the Secessionists. A killer is picking off Watchmen one by one. Following the philosophy of “Set a thief to catch a thief,” Watchman Wisconsin Lockerbie hires cyborg assassin Jersey Jackson to track down the killer. While embroiled in the criminal underworld, they uncover a plot to build a superweapon that will tilt the upcoming conflict in favor of the Secessionists. Lockerbie, Jackson, and a motley crew of misfit aliens must set aside their differences to save the Confederation.

Available as an ebook and print edition. Audiobook coming soon! Buy from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Smashwords.

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