Just Cause Universe Compendium (Just Cause Universe #20)

Just Cause Universe Compendium

by Ian Thomas Healy

short stories, anthologies, collections, superheroes, just cause, just cause universe, ian thomas healy, supervillains, marvel comics, DC Comics, superpowers

From a single short story written in 2001 to a sprawling series of more than twenty books, the Just Cause Universe is a superheroic reflection of our times. Encompassing more than sixty years of history, these tales fill in the gaps, tell the side stories, and broaden the depth of the JCU. Although all these stories have appeared in previous publications, this is the first time they have been collected into a single volume. Arranged in roughly chronological order, these stories start with the earliest heroes from World War II and run the gamut through to recent history. Read how the inclusion of superheroes has changed some real-world events, while others have instead changed the heroes themselves.

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